영어21 You are opening up a can of worms 더보기 골치 아픈일을 건드리고 있어요. Don't mention the project. It's a can of worms https://youtube.com/shorts/oZr9R36AOR8?si=LhGn5JgRnbzpJC_B 2024. 2. 28. Control freak, Nitpicker, Free rider, Kiss-ass, One-upper 더보기 It looks like he like to micromanage everything. He is a control freak 통제광 nitpicker 까다로운 사람 free rider 숟가락만 얹히는 사람 kiss-ass 아부떠는 사람 One-upper 항상 이기려는 사람 https://youtu.be/YDEf2SdheMQ?si=hfl_JXCTjLwNreI3 2024. 2. 28. Is that a Gucci knock-off? 더보기 그거 구찌 짭이야? ㅋ.ㅋ https://youtu.be/g6mIKh1Iz8M?si=KNivOqxXPR03iPr4 2024. 2. 26. Athlete's foot 더보기 무좀 You do not spray athele's foot medicine in your teammates' eyes 2024. 2. 24. I have heartburn 더보기 속쓰림 자극적인 음식을 먹었거나 갑작스럽게 스트레스를 받았을 때 https://youtu.be/57YzGtzyqPE?si=pf9qNIz7hUj3YaB8 2024. 2. 24. I'm on a budge 더보기 나 돈 없어 I have no money를 격식있게 사용하고 싶을 때 식비를 줄이자 We need to eat on a budge 빠듯한 예산 tight budge strict budge 저가항공 budget airline https://youtu.be/b3kYO6Q_XJQ?si=GVSXtvJvJwdASIVM 2024. 2. 23. 이전 1 2 3 4 다음