react 17부터 jax transfrom 방식이 바뀌어서 react import 없이 사용 가능.
new jax tranfrom으로 바꾼다면,
- import React 없이 코딩 가능
- bundle size가 살짝 감소
- 추후 react 배울 때 몇가지 개념들을 몰라도 된다.
old jax transfrom 한계점
- JSX가 React.createElement로 컴파일 되기 때문에 React가 scope안에 항상 있어야 함.
- React.createElement 떄문에 몇몇의 성능 향상과 간결성을 해결 못함
our code
import React from 'react';
function App() {
return <h1>Hello World</h1>;
old transform
import React from 'react';
function App() {
return React.createElement('h1', null, 'Hello world');
new transform
// Inserted by a compiler (don't import it yourself!)
import {jsx as _jsx} from 'react/jsx-runtime';
function App() {
return _jsx('h1', { children: 'Hello world' });
Introducing the New JSX Transform – React Blog
This blog site has been archived. Go to to see the recent posts. Although React 17 doesn’t contain new features, it will provide support for a new version of the JSX transform. In this post, we will describe what it is and how to try it. W
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